Quick Tips

How to Write a Query Letter

How to Write a Query Letter

Query letters have one role in your life: to interest an agent or editor enough to request chapters or a full manuscript. That’s it. The perfect query letter will not get you a book deal. Instead, it introduces your work to an agent or editor so they will read  your manuscript. It’s the manuscript that gets the book deal. The query letter is a business letter. It’s not a love letter. It’s not a letter to a pal (unless the agent you’re querying is actually your pal). And it’s not the time to get cute with the hopes of making a good impression. In most cases, all that will get your query is the delete button.

With that in mind, let’s delve into the most important elements of the query.

Quick Tips for the Perfect Pitch

In person pitching can be scary, but it doesn't have to be. Agents want you to be their next client. If they weren't actively looking for new clients, they wouldn't be accepting pitches. Make their job easier and bring your stress level down at the same time by knowing exactly what to include (and not include) in your pitch. Read on for the dos and don’ts of pitching agents from a publishing-industry expert.